Director of Technical Training at ULagos University to speak at the Americas Congress

“Transforming Higher Education in Chile through competency-based training models and linkages with the productive sector”, was the presentation made by the director of Technical Training at ULagos, Danilo Curumilla Núñez, in the context of the Congress of the Americas on International Education, Chile 2021.

The activity was divided into two sessions: The case of competency-based training of CFT Coquimbo Region, Chile and Cégep of Abitibi-Témiscamingue, Canada and The case of design and installation of an integration model between the technical training area and the socio-productive environment between ULagos, Chile and Fanshawe Global, Canada.

The activity was led by the Canadian Embassy in Chile and was attended by representatives from various countries.


Among the main objectives of the project are to constitute a physical and virtual student-centered Hub that focuses on strengthening the educational integration of technical careers with the regional socio-productive sector; meeting the needs and providing innovative solutions to regional requirements; improving the graduate profile and employability of students of the University’s technical careers; generating an economic and social impact in the regions of influence and close to the ULagos sites.

The project has been developed throughout the year 2021, between the unit responsible for the technical careers of the Universidad of Los Lagos and the strategic partner FANSHAWE Global, a Canadian educational institution, seeking to install a model that ensures a training process, permanent and systematically integrated with the industry.