Rector Óscar Garrido re-elected president of the Inter-American Organization for Higher Education with 90% of support

The assembly, held on October 14, brought together more than 400 institutions, which determined the election of the rector of the Universidad de Los Lagos.

The Inter-American Organization for Higher Education (IOHE) is the most important university organization in the Americas, bringing together universities from Canada to Chile, covering a total of 28 countries and bringing together 400 university institutions that are part of the organization.

Con motivo de su cuadragésima segunda asamblea y que reunió a rectores y rectoras de casas de estudios de todo el continente Americano, el rector de la Universidad de Los Lagos, Óscar Garrido Álvarez, fue electo con un respaldo del 90% para seguir en la presidencia de la Organización, por un tercer periodo que va desde el 2021 hasta el 2023.

On the occasion of its forty-second assembly, which brought together rectors of universities from all over the American continent, the rector of the University of Los Lagos, Óscar Garrido Álvarez, was elected with 90% support to continue in the presidency of the Organization for a third term from 2021 to 2023.

The current rector of the University of Los Lagos has been at the helm of the organization for two terms (2019-2021) and has actively participated in the development of different spaces for debate and the future of the university in the American continent, as well as in the world. Regarding this important election, Rector Óscar Garrido said that “For me it is an honor that my peers have elected me for a new period where International Education is the key vehicle for university integration in all the Americas, we have been advancing in recent years in the consolidation of the IOHE in all the Americas with the development of support programs for all institutions of Higher Education”.

Para David Julien con asiento en Montreal Canadá y Secretario General de la OUIEl respaldo al Rector Garrido, es un reconocimiento a su liderazgo y compromiso con nuestra organización y que durante estos últimos diez años ha estado ocupando cargos de alta dirección en la organización con un alto compromiso con los principios y valores que sustenta la OUI, la cooperación, el compromiso y fraternidad entre los países y el sistema universitario de nuestro continente”.

For David Julien, based in Montreal Canada and Secretary General of the IOHE, “The endorsement of Rector Garrido is a recognition of his leadership and commitment to our organization and that during the last ten years he has been occupying senior management positions in the organization with a high commitment to the principles and values that sustain the IOHE, cooperation, commitment and fraternity among the countries and the university system of our continent”.

Congress of the Americas 2021 

Discussions on the development of research, teaching-learning and various phenomena in the area of university education have been one of the main focuses of the IOHE’s development strategies, which are included in conferences, lectures and workshops that are held on a recurring basis.

One of the most important events are the Congresses of the Americas, which are held every two years in different countries of the Americas. Previous venues include Montreal, Calgary, Monterrey, Quito, Bogota and, in its seventh version, Chile has been designated as the venue.

Desde el 18 hasta el 22 de octubre de manera hibrida y presencial, se realizará el congreso que ha contado con el apoyo del gobierno canadiense, el gobierno chileno y con el conjunto de redes académicas integradas por el consejo de rectores, el consorcio de universidades del Estado de Chile, agrupación de universidades regionales, G9 de universidades tradicionales, la corporación de universidades privadas y diversas organizaciones más. Para el Rector Garrido “Este congreso que se constituye en el foro más importante de las Américas es un espacio académico donde distintas naciones, organismos multilaterales , universidades se dan cita para evaluar y proyectar el valor de la educación y la internacionalización a nivel mundial y todos los procesos de innovación que favorecen una mejor educación en el planeta y sobre todo los desafíos que nos impone la pandemia en temas de la transformación de la educación en la era digital y un espacio especial tendrá la movilidad estudiantil/ académica en las distintas universidades, entre  los temas que se abordarán en la séptima edición del  Congreso de Las Américas  2021 en Chile”.

The congress will be held from October 18 to 22 in a hybrid and face-to-face manner, with the support of the Canadian government, the Chilean government and a group of academic networks made up of the Council of Rectors, the Consortium of Chilean State Universities, the Group of Regional Universities, the G9 of traditional universities, the Corporation of Private Universities and various other organizations. For Rector Garrido, “This congress, which is the most important forum in the Americas, is an academic space where different nations, multilateral organizations and universities come together to evaluate and plan for the future, universities come together to evaluate and project the value of education and internationalization worldwide and all the innovation processes that favor a better education on the planet and especially the challenges imposed by the pandemic in terms of the transformation of education in the digital era and a special space will have the student/academic mobility in the different universities, among the topics to be addressed in the seventh edition of the Congress of the Americas 2021 in Chile”.

Finally, all the information about the congress is available at