Academician speaks at lecture series of the Colombian Ministry of Education

The exhibition was developed within the framework of the Colombian project “Colombia aprende”, which brought together various education researchers during the month of June.

“The role of formative evaluation in educational alternation” was the name of the conference that Maximiliano Heeren, an academic from Los Lagos University, gave to about 1,500 teachers in Colombia, as part of the project of the Ministry of the coffee-growing country “Colombia aprende” (Colombia learns).

It was last May that the professor, who is part of the General Basic Education Pedagogy career, was invited by the Colombian Ministry of Education to start the cycle of lectures developed in June and that the Colombian public entity carries out together with the Universidad de Los Andes, Colombia.

“I presented some formative evaluation strategies, in face-to-face contexts, in virtual contexts and with limited connection. What I did was to briefly present 10 strategies that are related to these modalities of working with students plus the context of pandemic and I explained the formative evaluation strategies, giving some guidelines, some tips or orientations so that teachers can work with students”, said the professor.

Liced Zea, Subdirectora de Referentes y Evaluación de la Calidad Educativa del Ministerio de Educación Nacional de Colombia, enfatizó en la importancia del ciclo de charlas formativas con referentes internacionales “Estos espacios nos han permitido llegar a todo el país, nos han permitido generar espacios de reflexión pedagógica cada vez mas focalizados y pensando siempre en el fortalecimiento de los procesos educativos de las niñas, niños y jóvenes de nuestro país. Hemos contado con una serie de expertos nacionales e internacionales que han estado apoyando los procesos, quiero agradecer inmensamente al Dr. Maximiliano Heeren”.

Liced Zea, Deputy Director of Referents and Evaluation of Educational Quality of the Ministry of National Education of Colombia, emphasized the importance of the cycle of formative talks with international referents “These spaces have allowed us to reach the whole country, they have allowed us to generate spaces for pedagogical reflection increasingly focused and always thinking about strengthening the educational processes of girls, boys and young people in our country. We have had a series of national and international experts who have been supporting the processes, I want to thank Dr. Maximiliano Heeren immensely.”