With expectations of academic and cultural learning, foreign students arrived.

Twenty students from Spain, Mexico, Colombia and Peru,  began their internship process 2019, at the Osorno campus and Puerto Montt campus, at the Universidad de Los Lagos, thanks to the coordination of international student mobility of the ULagos, from the International Relations Directorate of the university.

In this sense, the unanimous opinion of the students is, in addition to coming to do an internship in academic terms, to enhance their cultural enrichment in the vision of integral formation.

Valeria Garcia, a student of public accountant and Auditor of the Universidad Cooperativa in the city of Santa Barbara, Colombia, commented that “It is a very important opportunity for my life, because it is something I had dreamed of a long time ago; Come to Chile to learn about its economy and culture, from which I hope to learn a lot,” she said.

Regarding the choice of Osorno and the Universidad de Los Lagos, Valeria García, indicated that the city “attracted me a lot to the vegetation and the quality of the people,” she said.

“It’s the first time I’ve left the country and my family is very supportive, as they know I’m fulfilling my dreams. Yes, they are already missing me, but they know that this experience will help me” and adds “I will learn from the economy of this country, because in Colombia, they admire and copy much the tax part of Chile, and, for this reason, with my family, we are trying to get me one step forward in order to strengthen my learning, as well as learning from a new culture,” she said.

As for job prospects, the Mexican student indicated that “I would like to have my own company, it can be in Colombia or anywhere in the world.”

Carlos Sánchez, is in his fourth year of biochemistry at the Universidad de Sevilla, Spain, and referred to his arrival at ULagos as “another world. I wanted to know other careers, other cultures, meet different people. Travel too” and adds that “I want to know myself, set challenges and know that I am capable of crossing borders,” he said.

On the job side, “my aspirations are to work in a large company, taking advantage of the processes of nature, both plant and microbial biotechnology, for large productions and thus improve the world, as well as environmental biotechnology that I am also interested in,” he said.

Marta Alejandra García, a Mexican student of International Business at the Universidad de Guadalajara, will study Commercial Engineering at ULagos. She stated that his objective in the exchange is to know another culture and, in terms of learning, “I want to learn the creation and vision of companies in Chile, in order to increase my look at business,” She said.

Internationalization policy

Oscar Diaz, Director of International Relations at ULagos, explained that “we have increased the agreements with foreign universities such as Canada, because we have to open the doors a little to other geographical areas and also strengthen other latitudes such as the European ones. Universidad de Los Lagos is doing a strong job from the point of view of international relations, in order to be able to promote student mobility, which is going to be one of the aspects that is being worked hard at the level of universities of the Cruch”.

The university authority adds that “we began this year to work very hard on the politics of internationalization of the University of Los Lagos, which will lead to internationalization work “at home”, that is, in what way we translate the international component in all our areas of the curriculum and of the daily living, from an international point of view,” he said.

As a welcome to the foreign students, the reception of the International Relations team and their partners from the ULagos, represented by the Student Federation, as well as the visit to the Petrohué Falls, In Puerto Varas and the Recreational Complex of the Universidad de Los Lagos in Cascadas, in Puerto Octay.
