CIDE Mexico academic joins CEDER as an intern

The Dr. Ana Díaz from the Center for Economic Research and Teaching of Mexico will spend three months in the Center for Regional Development Studies and Public Policies at the Santiago Headquarters of the Universidad de Los Lagos.

Since this week and for three months, Ana Diaz Aldret, PhD in Social Sciences with a specialization in political sociology from the Universidad de Guadalajara, Mexico. He has started an internship at theCenter for Regional Development Studies and Public Policy (CEDER) of the Santiago Headquarters of the Universidad de Los Lagos.

The Dr. Ana Díaz, Sociologist by profession, she is currently an academic at the Center for Economic Research and Teaching (CIDE) in Mexico. She has developed research proyects in areas such as democratization and citizen participation; share capital; Political Culture and Culture of Legality and has published articles, chapters and books.

The Director of the Santiago Campus of the ULagos, Dr. Marcel Thezá Manríquez, expresses that for our House of Studies “it is very pleasant to receive in an internship Dr. Ana Díaz of CIDE, an institution with which our University and particularly CEDER, has a long-standing bond that has materialized in joint work and projects, one of them was at some point the creation of a network of reflection on advanced public policy issues.

This network of collaboration of public policies of advanced in Latin America was directed by the CEDER academic Dr. Nuria Cunill Grau. Academics from CIDE also participated; the Autonomous Metropolitan University (UAM) Xochimilco, Mexico; the Catholic P. U. of Belo Horizonte, Brazil; the Getúlio Vargas Foundation, Brazil, and was coordinated by the Universidad de Los Lagos.

In this context, Dr. Thezá points out that “some of our academics have also participated in activities in Mexico, and from that perspective we are very pleased to receive Dr. Ana Díaz who will be sharing with us for three months, because it reinforces the collaboration link of the University, in particular CEDER, with an institution as significant and important as CIDE”.


For her part, Dr. Ana Díaz clarifies that thanks to the collaborative network of advanced public policies, on several occasions she had the opportunity to work with other academics from CEDER, such as Dr. Gonzalo Delamaza and Dr. Marcel Thezá himself.

“There were meetings at the Universidad de Los Lagos, in Belo Horizonte and at CIDE. From this, books and collaborative publications emerged together, with content from the different areas of public policies; we came together in the discussion of what public policies were and how they had to be for our countries and for Latin America,” says the academic.

Regarding her lines of research, Dr. Ana Díaz indicates that fundamentally “they have been citizen participation, local governments and then, metropolitan governments, and citizen participation grew to governance structures.”

She also emphasizes that his academic stay at CEDER will focus on these issues and later develop some publications. “I’m going to write about these issues, particularly from the perspective of metropolitan governance in Latin American cities, which have their particularities, like Santiago, and then I’ll land all this for Mexican cities,” she stresses.

It should be noted that CIDE, founded in Mexico City in 1974, is a research center specialized in applied social sciences, mainly economics, public policies, public administration, law, international relations and political science. It teaches four full-time postgraduate courses, two professional degrees and four bachelor’s degrees. Reaches 400 students.

Along with this, it is one of the 27 centers that depend on the National Council of Science and Technology (Conacyt), an institution dedicated to promoting scientific research, innovation, development and technological modernization of the Mexican federal government.

Académica del CIDE México se integra como pasante al CEDER