With the keynote lecture “Interdisciplinary Tools for Territorial Studies”, Dr. Francisco Ther Ríos, Professor of the Department of Architecture at the Universidad de Los Lagos, and professor of anthropology at the university, will participate virtually in the third international edition of the Spatialities Congress, on August 17 and 18, 2021.
In January 2021, Professor Francisco Ther was invited to participate in the event organized by the Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla (Mexico) through the School of Social Anthropology of the Faculty of Philosophy and Letters; the Universidad Colegio Mayor de Cundinamarca (Colombia), the Permanent Research Seminar “Metropolis, Imaginaries, Symbols and Urban Rhetoric” of the National School of Anthropology and History – ENAH (Mexico), the Anthropology of Urban Culture Program of the University of Buenos Aires (Argentina), the Academic Bodies of Social Anthropology and Territorial Processes (Red Compleja de los Territorios); and Etnograf Gestión y Cultura AC.
Main Topic
In this new version, the central theme of the Congress is “Risks, Changes, Reconfigurations”, with five sub-themes: “Space of inhabiting”, “Spaces, time and socio-virtual relations”, “Imaginaries of risk”, “Inhabitations of violence”, and “Space, heritage and economy”.
The Congress will be held in virtual mode, and will be broadcast live on Facebook by the Group “Spaces, territories, places and socio-cultural processes”, and on YouTube by Etnograf Gestión y Cultura AC.
The congress brings together professionals from the Social Sciences, Architecture, Urban Planning, Geography, Humanities and related sciences, as well as academic institutions, governmental and non-governmental organizations, researchers, journalists and independent artists, as well as the private sector.
In this context, Dr. Ther will present the Keynote Lecture “Interdisciplinary Tools for Territorial Studies”, on Wednesday, August 18 (morning session), at 10:45 a.m. (Mexico City time).
Francisco Ther Ríos is an anthropologist from the Universidad Austral de Chile, and holds a PhD in Anthropology from the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. He is Professor of the Department of Architecture at the ULagos, and professor of Anthropology at the same university. He works on interdisciplinary and complexity; territorial imaginaries and daily practices; territory and sustainability; and local development; specifically, he has worked for the last 20 years with artisanal fishing communities, small farmers and indigenous communities.
Its main research results have allowed proposing the “Anthropology of the Territory” as a theoretical-methodological approach, of an interdisciplinary nature, on the territory, its transformations and complexities. This has been reflected in basic research and R+D+i projects. He is author and co-author of more than 60 publications in specialized journals. He is the compiler and editor of 06 books. He is the author of more than 70 papers and conferences in different international events (Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Spain, Israel, Mexico, Poland). He has been a member of the Anthropology and Archaeology Study Group of FONDECYT on two occasions. Currently, he is a member of the Inter and Transdisciplinary Evaluation Group of FONDECYT. He is a peer evaluator of postgraduate studies of the National Accreditation Commission (CNA), and evaluator of Master and Doctoral Grants of the National Agency for Research and Development (ANID). Currently, he is the Responsible Researcher of the FONDECYT Regular Project 1201922 “Wef_Nexus in Small Islands: Anthropology of water-energy-food interrelationships in Small Islands of the Lakes Region and Aysén”, 2020 – 2023. One of his latest publications is Others Ruralities / Understanding Archipelago. Proposals for a recomposition based on a new model of territorial epistemology. Journal of Rural Studies, (78), 372 – 377. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jrurstud.2020.06.032
Congressional Reports
Specialties: espacialidades.antropologia@correo.buap.mx