ULagos wins external scholarships for international mobility for students and professors

A virtuous relationship based on the collaboration and joint work between Banco Santander and the International Relations Department Los Lagos University, allowed the university to be awarded seven scholarships for International Mobility of undergraduate students and professors in foreign universities.

In this context, ULagos faces the challenges of globalization in higher education through its International Student Mobility Program, which emphasizes the importance of an integral formation of its students and also the acquisition of competencies for their training as future professionals, thus achieving life-changing experiences through stays in foreign institutions.

This was announced by the Director of International Relations of the ULagos, Dr. Oscar Diaz, who commented that in this opportunity, the beneficiaries of the university will be able to make use of the scholarship awarded between 2022 and July 31, 2023, for both calls for International Mobility Scholarships.

“Los Lagos University, therefore, makes available to its students six international mobility scholarships in the amount of US$4,000 (for each student) and one scholarship for professors (each professor) in the amount of US$4,500,” he said.

El Programa de Movilidad Estudiantil Internacional de la Universidad de Los Lagos, a cargo de la Coordinación de Movilidad Estudiantil Nacional e Internacional, incluye entre sus objetivos el acompañamiento de los estudiantes en la postulación a Convocatoria de las Becas, la postulación a las Universidades extranjeras, la preparación del viaje y salida del país y el reconocimiento de los cursos realizados en la Universidad extranjera, “por lo que dejamos la invitación a participar”, señala Oscar Díaz, director de Relaciones Internaciones.

The International Student Mobility Program of the Universidad de Los Lagos, in charge of the Coordination of National and International Student Mobility, includes among its objectives the accompaniment of students in the application to the Call for Scholarships, the application to foreign universities, the preparation of the trip and departure from the country and the recognition of the courses taken at the foreign university, “so we leave the invitation to participate,” says Oscar Diaz, director of International Relations.