Undergraduate programs


Degree holders in Secondary History and Geography Teachinghave a solid background in education and didactics with a strong component of core disciplinary knowledge in history and geography. Professionals can teach high school students, adults and seventh and eighth grade students from municipal, subsidized and private establishments. 
Degree holders in Secondary Teaching in English are critical and reflexive professionals with a solid theoretical-practical knowledge of the language at an advanced level and according to international standards of English-language proficiency and current public policies. Professionals are skilled to solve problems related to the teaching and learning of English as a foreign language, management, innovation and pedagogical research, providing effective and relevant solutions to the issues the profession faces nowadays. 
Degree holders in SecondaryMathematics and ICTTeaching are skilled to develop values while integrating mathematics, information technology and pedagogical contents in everyday contexts.
Degree holders in Secondary Teaching of Spanish and Communications are recognized for the communicative competence to encourage students to develop their interests, abilities and skills and to formulate, develop and implement education projects. Professionals hold a positive attitude towards research and traditions of the culture to develop a society based on solidarity and democracy. Besides, teachers have specialized knowledge and an effective and critical use of the teaching strategies employed nowadays as well as their theoretical basis and constrains. 
Degree holders in Secondary Physical Education Teachingcan, from social perspective, interpret individual sociocultural contextto understand the behavior of several social actors regarding the discipline. From a pedagogical perspective, professionals can lead effective alternative solutions to face the difficulties in school and non-school settings employing a constructivist approach and a critical pedagogy. From a disciplinary perspective, professionals can synthesize principles, techniques and knowledge related to human motor behavior, employing a theoretical and practical approach. Besides, they are skilled to carry out research, create new knowledge in education, physical activity, sports and recreation.  
Degree holders in Secondary Teaching of Arts, Mention in Visual Arts have been trained in visual language and its conceptual, historical and aesthetic bases. Professionals are aware of their social responsibility, committed to quality and equity in education. They can design, implement and evaluate visual art programs in different socio-educative environments as well as organize and direct artistic initiatives to encourage collective actions that promote community expression and creativity. 
Degree holders in Special Education specialized in Learning Problems candesign and implement psycho pedagogical assessment procedures. Professionals are qualified to identify special educational needs (SEN) students show at different levels of education, from a multidimensional perspective. They can also plan and implement psycho-pedagogical support and collaborative strategies to diversify teaching.
Degree holders in Preschool Teaching are skilled in designing, guiding and evaluating teaching and learning experiences. Professionals can also adapt the experiences to multicultural contexts and to fit the needs of children between the ages of 0and 6 in order to increase their socio-affective, cognitive, cultural and value-based skills. 
The degree in Nursing caters for human, social, biological and nursing sciences. Professionals successfully perform taking into account technical, legal and ethical aspects that enable them to solve problems related to healthcare in educational, research and administrative areas, in different contexts. 
Degree holders in Nutrition and Dieteticshave a solid background in the health sciences. Professionals are skilled to solve problems related to food and nutritional assistance; health administration and management; food and nutrition service management and education and health research. Besides, they give effective and relevant responsesto the issues the profession faces nowadays employing an inter-professional approach. 
Degree holders in kinesiology have a solid background in the science of Kinesiology. Professionals are trained to prevent, solve kinesiological related problems, health education, research and management providing effective, innovative and relevant solutions to the issues the profession faces nowadays. 
Degree holders in Phonoaudiology are comprehensive, proactive and creative professionals who have a sound theoretical knowledge base and clinical training. Professionals can successfully work within the health, education and work support areas, seeing patients throughout their life cycle. 
Degree holders in Information Technology Engineering have a solid background in engineering, especially regarding information sciences and computing. Professionals are trained following the current national and international standards. Thus, they can successfully join public and private institutions of a national or international nature, contributing to enhance the decision-making process. 
egree holders in Food Engineeringare trained to apply the scientific, technological and engineering knowledge to food processing. Professionals are skilled to manage food-related businesses, design and advice the establishment of new industries or production lines, develop and adopt technologies to the food manufacturing processes. 
Degree holders in Industrial Engineeringhave solid knowledge in basic sciences, engineering sciences and applied engineering sciences. Professionals have been trained following a learning-by-doing approach and taking into consideration national and international standards. The Civil Industrial Engineering program considers learning in science laboratories and applied engineering workshops from the first year. Besides, professionals have interdisciplinary training in operations management, industrial processes, energy and environmental management. 
Degree holders in Environmental Engineering have solid knowledge in basic and environmental sciences. The have been trained to work in the fields of environmental engineering, research, evaluation and environmental management. Professionals develop engineering solutions to environmental issues. They carry out evaluation processes and environmental management in public and private institutions. Besides, they formulate and develop research projects related to the discipline. 
Degree holders in Civil Engineering have solid knowledge in basic sciences, engineering sciences and applied engineering sciences. Professionals have been trained taking into consideration national and international standards. They can create, design, implement and manage electrical projects in the fields of electricity generation, electric power systems and power electronics through the automation of industrial processes and the use of alternative, renewable energy sources.  
Degree holders in Civil Engineering have solid knowledge in basic sciences, engineering sciences and applied engineering sciences. Professionals have been trained taking into consideration national and international standards. They can design, implement and manage civil work projects including structures and geotechnics and construction and hydraulics showing a systemic approach when addressing discipline issues. 

Qualified professional with solid comprehension in agricultural and agri-food sciences, integrating and applying scientific knowledge. Graduates are able to assume an active role in their field of specialization, providing effective and relevant responses to the challenges that the environment demands. Professional skills are focused primarily in evaluating, designing and managing plans, programs and projects associated with the production and transformation of agri-food products in private and public institutions, promoting innovation and environmental and economic sustainability.
Degree holders in Marine Biologycan face problems related to the use of natural water resources and its environment, in an interdisciplinary way. Professionals promote the sustainable use of natural environments from a conservationist perspective but conscious of the needs of economic development and social equity. 

Business administration graduates are trained to create, evaluate, undertake and manage organizations and businesses in an effective and efficient manner. Professionals take into account the local and global conditions and ethical principles to create economic and sustainable value.
Degree holders in Public Accountant and Auditor can design, analyze, evaluate and audit business management information systems. Professionals are qualified to advice in decision making and confirm validity of information presented by companies, according to the current regulations and based on technical, ethic and social responsibility principles.  

Degree holders in Political and Administrative Sciences are professionals who work preferably for the government and in the public and private sector. They are skilled in the socio-political, administrative, legal and economic areas. Professionals have a holistic vision regarding public issues that determines their vocation for public service, community engagement and commitment to the policies that rule the country. 
Degree holders in Social Work are innovative and critical. They hold a transdisciplinary and positive attitude towards research and communicate effectively with individuals and groups. Professionals seek to promote social welfare, respect diversity and human rights. Besides, they show a clear understanding of the local and regional development processesin their professional performance.  
Degree holders in Psychology are innovative and share a humanistic and regional perspective, committed to enhance quality, ethics and transparency as well as self-care and care for others. Professionals give creative solutions to psychosocial problems of the community. They are generalist professionals who have scientific and disciplinary knowledge from biology, sociology and psychology. 
The degree inLaw and Social Sciences adequately prepares students in Law and legal arguments. Degree holders acquire general knowledge in social sciences and regional reality, enabling them to understand and interpret the general principles and sources of law, its fundamental and dogmatic concepts and the key institutions of legal order, in a contextualized way.  
The degree in Anthropology provides solid preparation and training in the anthropologic discipline and fieldwork, as well as interdisciplinary approaches. Professionals are capable of understanding cultural articulations of disparities and inequalities while responding reflexively to the issues in local, national and global contexts. This program is enriched by the connection with Southern Chile’s cultural and ethnic diversity. 

Degree holders in Architecture have a solid theoretical-practical knowledge applied to design, planning, technology and field research. They are competent professionals who can develop architecture projects and urban and territorial planning providing sustainable responses to the problems associated with public and private spaces. They can conceptualize and develop innovative designs in architecture and urban pieces and give answers to the technological and economical aspects related to the projects.