About ULagos
Departments and Schools
This department develops professional training and research in the fields of Economic Sciences and Business Administration, focusing on regional development and the administration of public and private organizations, in order to improve scientific and technological productivity with regional and national interest on the mentioned disciplinary fields (www.administracion.ulagos.cl).

In terms of research, this department collaborates on 2 of the four ULAGOS Research Priority Areas (RPA’s): RPA2 (Sustainable aquaculture production), and RPA3 (Sustainable Agri-food System, Climate Change, and Biodiversity). The Department contributes significantly on these priority areas, focusing on disciplinary guidelines by areas as follows:

    1. Aquaculture – Marine Biology: contains disciplinary guidelines on a) Sustainable Aquaculture, b) Aquaculture Diversification, c) Repopulation of Inland and Marine Hydro-biological Species, d) Hydric Resource, Ecology and Inland and Marine Water Management for Aquaculture and e) Marine Bio-toxins and Food Innocuity on Aquaculture Production Systems.

    2. Food: disciplinary guidelines on Science and Food Technology.

    3. Agronomy: Projected principal guidelines: a) Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation (Drought Resistance, Diseases and Plagues) and b) Native Species Genetic Studies, Characterization and Domestication.

Several of these guidelines contribute to more than one area and it is projected as an integrated work of the Aquaculture, Agronomy, and Food areas, applying circular economy principles, transforming liquid industrial wastes of aquaculture in agricultural inputs, optimizing water use to mitigate the great issue of hydric crisis and other extreme weather episodes associated with climate change.

All extensive research activity has enabled technology transfer through advisory and generation of patents and brands. For RDI projects, Center Metri, Center Río Sur, and Water Analysis, are operating in areas of aquaculture and marine biology. Food Technology offers services to the community through the Food Processing Plant, the Food Analysis Center (CEAL, its acronym in Spanish) and the Program for Conservation, Management and Sustainable Use of Plant Genetic Resources (FITOGEN). In the area of Agronomy, outreach stands out in the regional productive agriculture sector, through the implementation of a Demonstration Center of Fruit Trees and other Vegetables and Crops (web).

The Architecture Department has proposed to generate and transfer scientific, technical and artistic knowledge to the community, professional architect integral training and creative and project disciplines knowledge outreach, contributing to social, cultural and technological sustainable development at local and regional level.

In that way, Architecture Department seeks being recognized at regional level as an academic unit of excellence, committed with the architectonic and urban design, territory planning, building technology and disciplinary research, through innovative professionals training that integrates university teaching with creation and artistic, scientific, technical, analogical and digital production; with continuous improvement of teaching and learning, as well as creation and strengthening of networks and links with public and private agents, local and international, considering people diversity value (www.arquitectura.ulagos.cl).

Biologic Sciences & Biodiversity Department (@CsBioULagos) fundamental purpose is to achieve high quality standards and productivity through scientific and technological research, innovation and ecologic development and conservation, evolutive biology and biotechnology of natural resources. Environmental conservation and natural resources management are great challenges for our society and areas that our researches address through multidisciplinary approaches. In that way, it is pretended that generated scientific knowledge about the natural world allows influencing local, regional and national policies.

  1. Ecology and Conservation Studies pretend to understand how species interact among them, with others and their physical environment. It is sought to explain emerging patterns based on underlying processes in different space and time levels. Conservation research explores how ecological stressors affect species and ecosystems; particularly studies about human interference in the natural world as cause of great environmental disturbances.

  2. Evolutive Biology Research in this field examines evolutive processes that generate biodiversity. Natural selection boosts species specification and affects the way in which species adapt to their environments. Species from single-celled algae to multicellular organisms are studied. In that way, understanding evolutive processes, it is sought to understand how anthropogenic alterations will affect evolutive change in the animals and plants taxonomy.

  3. Natural Resources Biotechnology The purpose is to propitiate seeking technologies applied to the environment and the sustainable management of natural resources; using biological systems and their products to promote useful goods and services to the society. Contributes to regional and national development from a scientific and technological perspective, promoting solutions transfer to the agricultural, forest, aquacultural and natural resources socio-productive sectors (www.cienciasbiologicas.ulagos.cl).

School of Education is an academic functional unit that depends of the Academic Vice-presidency. It is in charge of assuring excellence professional trainingof teachers with high quality standards and serves a family of undergraduate programs that share the same disciplinary origin. This unit is functionally decentralized at Campus Puerto Montt, where there is a representant of the School who leads educational programs (www.educacion.ulagos.cl).

The purpose of the Department of Exact Sciences is to generate, preserve and transfer knowledge about Mathematics, Mathematical Education and Computing / Informatic Sciences, through research, teaching (undergraduate and postgraduate), and outreach, in order to contribute to regional and national social development in concordance to the strategic guidelines of Universidad de Los Lagos (web).

The Government and Business Department is a multidisciplinary macro unit. Departmental definition itself: government and business, implies the overcoming of disciplines as the knowledge point where the academic development is thought. In that order, this department sustains its development on the disciplines set that allows to understand and study issues linked with the Government and organizations, among them there are (web):

  • Political and Administrative Sciences; and
  • Engineering and Technologies.

The Health Department was founded in 2012, includes the undergraduate programs of Nutrition and Dietetics, Nursery, Kinesiology and Audiology & Speech Pathology.

These programs promote research with the mission of contributing to the development of Los Lagos Region and the country through research priority area N° 4 (RPA N° 4), Life Quality and Human Wellness, which pursues contributing to population wellness, especially in Los Lagos Region and at national and international level.

Those in charge of support the departmental mission are the research commission members: Health Department Director and a representant of each program and campus; who ensure the conduct of research with territorial relevance based on the following guidelines that tributes RPA N° 4 (web):

  • Quality of Life and Well-being of people according to life course.
  • Quality of Life and Well-being of the family and community.
  • Education and Training of Health Professionals.

The main research areas are as following (web):

  1. Contemporary Thought and Culture
  2. Language, Linguistics and Literature
  3. Humanities and Art Education

The Department is in charge of generating and transferring scientific and technological knowledge to the community, as well as training professionals to contribute to productive development, sustainable use and value of natural resources.

Environmental Biotechnology: The main objective of the environmental biotechnology groupistosearch, study and select Organism swith application potential; adapt, transfer and apply tools Biotechnology oriented to problem solving. It seeksto transfer to the sector Productive optimized processes, innovations and new technologies developed.  All this will be achieved by participating in research projects multidisciplinary and in collaboration withother work teams and other institutions related (web).

  • Research line stodevelop:
    • Isolation and identification of Microorganisms
    • Obtaining,  purifying and identifying metabolites with application potential
    • Development and optimization of Bioprocesses
    • Capacity to generate biofilms and antifouling in microorganisms environmental
    • Bioremediation, and Bioconversion of environmental pollutants Second Disciplinary Line
Environmental Technology: understood as the management and development of solutions Technological to environmental impacts. 

  • Research lines to develop for:
    • Technology for minimization and control of environmental impact
    • Environmental Management
    • Bioenergies

The main research areas are the following (web): 

  1. Physical activities and life quality / wellness
  2. Sportology
  3. Educational research

 The main research areas are the following:

  1. Educational Innovation: Methodological experiences that emerge from individual or joint teaching work with other teachers or educational networks, based on reflective self-criticism about one's own teaching-learning practices, which feed proposals and experiences that are systematized to produce pedagogical knowledge. This area is divided into two:1.1 Innovation in schools: Innovative practices at non-university levels: Early Childhood Education, Basic Education, Secondary Education or Adult Education.1.2 Innovation in Initial Teacher Training: Innovative experiences in the university training of teachers.

  2. Initial teacher training: Reflections, experiences and research regarding Initial Teacher Training and the tensions imposed by today's society on curricular issues, quality of careers, internationalization and competence-based training.

  3. Research at school level: Explanation, understanding and construction of teaching-learning processes at the pre-school, basic and secondary education levels, covering disciplinary didactics, educational policies, authentic assessment practices, among others (web).

  1. Socioterritorial Dynamics; This line of research is interested in studying the psychosocial phenomenathat modifythe spatial response of individuals generating community level processes with the focus on the irspatiality. In specific, is concerned with the study of processes of use of space and social construction from local and regional territories. Some of the topics of research relevance they are: spatial strategies of local communities in the face of global phenomena; use of space by communities; policies with territorial impact; management of risk; study of the relationshipman - space - time; socio-environmental vulnerability, etc.

  2. Sustainability of Local Territories; this line of research is interested in study the formal and informal processes, systems, structures, and relation shipsthatgive support for the ability of current and future generations to manage the irterritory. Specifically,  it is concerned with the study of social sustainability, sustainability socio-economic and socio-environmental sustainability. Some of the themes of research relevance are: justice and social equity; quality of life; vulnerability; use of ecosystem goods and services; environmental rationality; problems and conflicts socio environmental,  governance, co-management, social infrastructure, social capital, etc.

  3. Study of Intervention in Psychosocial Issues; this line addresses new answers for the understanding and transformation of social reality, mainly in Regarding psychological problems, socioeconomic in equalities, exclusion social and conflict resolution in human and family relationships, the streng the ning of social groups to increase the irwell-being, guaranteeing Human rights and social justice. Some of the issues of relevance Investigative are: social and intra-family violence, over-indebtedness, poverty, social vulnerability, exclusion, drug use, etc.

  4. Society, Memory and Heritage; this line of research is interested in studying cultural, heritage and historical affinities, as well as the memories that allow acton human groups to meet their homonymous needs in the present and project into the future, developing a sense of belonging. Specifically, the Department of Social Sciences will focus on visualizing acting, perspectives or the models of action hat society has to face or learn from itspast, apply in gitto the present and project tingittowards the future, in order to encourage participation and decision making. Some of the research to pics displayed are: history oral and comparative, social, economic and political history, Interculturality, study of social and trade union movements, civil society development and diversity, Rights Humans, native peoples, material and intangible cultural heritage, landscapesassets, etc.(web)